High Protein Mac-n-Cheese
Since about mid-December we’ve been focusing on eating more protein. I wouldn’t say we’re dieting per say, at least it certainly doesn’t seem like we’re dieting when I eat the food that we’re eating. But we’re being more intentional about eating more protein and less carbs. Not “no” carbs, I don’t do well when things…

Oatmeal Banana Cookies
I like to eat a banana most mornings, but I like my bananas more on the green side before they turn to what I like to call “banana bread bananas”. Derek & my dad like to exaggerate this preference and say that I like bananas when you could use them to drive a nail. This…

An Old Fashioned Christmas Cocktail
Coming up with a signature Christmas cocktail has been one of my favorite new traditions that started because of this blog. We almost always have a cocktail hour before Christmas dinner, whether it’s a small affair with just Tory, our husbands and parents, or our more extended family. And it’s fun to be able to…

Japanese BBQ Glazed Duck over Mashed Sweet Potatoes
We recently got back from our annual duck hunting trip to North Dakota. It wasn’t exactly our most successful hunting trip up there, we had multiple days of 80 degree beautiful sunny, cloudless, no wind days – which while gorgeous and somewhat unseasonably warm, isn’t exactly great duck hunting weather. We had not one but…

Bacon Wrapped Grilled Goose Breast
I really wanted to include this recipe in my Favorites post under the Wild Game category for our 10 year anniversary but unfortunately I hadn’t posted it yet. This recipe I believe I’ve made three or four years running during early goose season in late August/early September. Normally, I try to bring a new recipe…

10 Year Anniversary: Top 10 Most Popular Recipes
Happy 10 Year Anniversary to Gravel & Dine! Wow, I really cannot believe it’s been 10 years. The blog all started with me remembering the cookbook I made Tory when she moved into her first house that had family favorites as well as some new easy meals for her. I wanted to be able to…

10 Year Anniversary: Favorite Celebration / Holiday Recipes
As I was brainstorming topics for our 10 year anniversary post series, I thought about how many of the recipes we post show up at holiday or family gatherings. So I thought it would be fun to take a look at favorite Gravel & Dine recipes through a year of holidays – at least those…