Breakfast is the most important meal of the day right? I love breakfast, especially what we used to call ‘lumberjack’ breakfasts growing up. This means a good stick to your ribs so you can get a lot of work done breakfast. There used to be a restaurant in Ely called Northern Grounds that made the…
Bagel French Toast
The other day I had a couple extra cinnamon raisin bagels left over and as good as a bagel toasted and loaded with cream cheese can be – I was just getting sick of it. So I thought, what else can I do with a bagel? I know, I’ll make French toast (ok – i…
Swedish Blueberry Pancakes (Dad’s Pancakes)
What I am about to say is not likely to be popular- I don’t really like pancakes. What?! Who doesn’t like pancakes? Also, I don’t really like syrup. What’s wrong with me? I don’t know, I just don’t really like the whole fluffiness or cake-y-ness of pancakes, and syrup is basically just liquid sugar (exaaaactly,…