I like to eat a banana most mornings, but I like my bananas more on the green side before they turn to what I like to call “banana bread bananas”. Derek & my dad like to exaggerate this preference and say that I like bananas when you could use them to drive a nail. This…
Swedish Kringler
Last year for Christmas, Tory & I both got one of those genetic ancestry tests. Beyond your heritage it also shows health data and even if you may have preferences for certain things. We know that genetics play a role in certain taste aversions, like if cilantro tastes like soap to you. I love the…
Gumdrop Bread
At the annual cookie party my Aunt ‘Thann used to throw when we were kids, not only would each family get to take home a bucket of Christmas cookies but we would also get a loaf of bread – like this Gumdrop Bread. It’s kind of like a version of a fruitcake but made with…
Mini Blueberry Hand Pies
Last year was a bumper crop for wild Minnesota blueberries. I think we picked about 7 buckets in a weekend, maybe more. We picked almost 4 Saturday and were going to head home Sunday after checking game cameras at the land, when we stopped to check out a tip from my mother-in-law to give to…
Sour Cucumbers
In my hometown of Ely, we like to ‘sour’ things. It can be lettuce, cucumbers, peas and more. Sour food is basically like a simple quick pickle that generally has nothing more than oil and vinegar. I’m not sure what part of Ely’s heritage it comes from or if it just became popular locally. Sour…
Chicken Fried Rice
I’ve been lucky enough to have been exposed to Indonesian cooking by my father-in-law’s wife, Helen. She has taught me how to make dishes like Spicy Beef – that although tastes amazing, I need to drink a swallow of milk between each bit. One of my favorite things I’ve learned to make from Helen though…